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Watermelon jam, recipe for delicious and unusual homemade jam

Watermelon jam, with its unmistakable sweet-fresh taste and delicate texture, is more than just a delicacy. It’s a symbol of creativity and innovation in the kitchen, opening the door to experimenting with flavors you might not otherwise consider traditional jam ingredients. This jam is created out of love for a unique gourmet experience, using excess melon, be it cantaloupe, honeydew melon, or even watermelon, not only helping to reduce food waste, but also giving new life to fruit that might otherwise be overlooked.

This jam is a perfect example of how we can be creative in our kitchens, experimenting with different combinations of flavors and textures. Thanks to its unique sweet and fresh taste, watermelon jam becomes an exceptional addition not only to breakfast dishes, such as pancakes, toast, or yogurt, but also as an unexpected but pleasant side dish to various desserts, such as cheesecakes, ice cream, or even as a non-traditional ingredient in sweets.

In the production of watermelon jam, the key is to preserve the true taste and freshness of the watermelon, while at the same time achieving the perfect consistency of the jam, which can be achieved with the right ratio of fruit, sugar and gelling agent. It is also important to choose the right preservation method in order to maximize the shelf life of the jam without losing its delicious properties.

If stored properly, cool and dark, watermelon jam can retain its quality and flavor for many months, allowing you to enjoy a slice of summer even in the colder months. However, after opening, it is important to store the jam in the refrigerator and consume it in a relatively short time to preserve its freshness and exceptional taste.

Ultimately, watermelon jam isn’t just about the unique taste and use of excess fruit; it’s also about discovering new possibilities in the kitchen and sharing the joy of cooking with family and friends. It’s an opportunity to enjoy the charm of simplicity and at the same time to surprise and charm everyone who is lucky enough to taste this unusual but extremely delicious jam.

Melon jam recipe


  • 1 kg of melon (after cleaning the peel and seeds)
  • 500 g of sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 icing sugar (if you want a thicker consistency)


  1. Preparing the watermelon: Peel the watermelon, remove the seeds and cut it into smaller pieces.
  2. Cooking: Put the watermelon pieces, sugar and lemon juice in a large pot and let it stand for about 2 hours.
  3. After standing, bring the mixture to a boil and let it cook on medium heat until the watermelon is completely soft (about 20 minutes). When the watermelon is soft, blend the mixture with an immersion blender for a smoother consistency. If you prefer pieces of fruit in the jam, skip this step.
  4. Add icing sugar and cook for another 10 minutes. Stir regularly during cooking so that it does not burn.
  5. Consistency test: Put a teaspoon of jam on a chilled plate and when you run your finger, a dough should form.
  6. When the jam has the desired consistency, pour it into sterilized jars, close them, turn them upside down and let them cool.

Watermelon jam questions and answers

What kinds of melons can I use to make watermelon jam?

You can use almost any type of melon to make jam, including cantaloupe, honeydew melon, watermelon, or gallium melon. Each type of melon will bring a unique flavor and color to the jam.

Is it necessary to peel the watermelon before cooking?

Yes, before cooking it is necessary to peel the watermelon and remove all the seeds from it. This will ensure that the jam has a smooth texture and no unwanted parts.

What sugar is best for making watermelon jam?

You can use regular white sugar to make watermelon jam. For a more intense flavor and depth, you can also experiment with brown sugar or combine both types.

Do I need a gelling agent to make watermelon jam?

Yes, due to the high water content of watermelon, it is often necessary to add a gelling agent such as pectin to thicken the jam properly.

How long can watermelon jam last?

Properly sterilized and unopened watermelon jam can be stored in a cool, dark place for several months. After opening, it is best to store the jam in the refrigerator and consume it within 3-4 weeks.

How do I know the jam is ready?

There are several methods to determine if the jam is thick enough. One of the simplest is the use of the so-called “plate test”, where you put a small amount of jam on a cold plate and wait for it to thicken. If the jam stays in place and does not run out, it is ready.

Can I add other ingredients to the watermelon jam?

Yes, you can add different ingredients to watermelon jam, such as fresh herbs (eg mint), spices (eg ginger or vanilla), or even other fruits to create unique flavor combinations.

Is watermelon jam suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

Yes, watermelon jam is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, as long as you do not use gelling agents of animal origin or other non-vegan ingredients. Always make sure that all ingredients used are in line with your dietary preferences.

Can watermelon jam be used in other recipes?

Yes, watermelon jam is very versatile and can be used as a pie filling, ice cream topping, or even as a base for unique dressings and marinades. Its unique taste adds an interesting dimension to many dishes.

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